David Lloyd George

Shirley Hummel and
Kelly Klimetz
Western High School
Davie, Florida
Teacher: Mike Mullin
Grade 10

General Information

David Lloyd George was born in Manchester, England on 17-Jan-1863. He was raised by his uncle, a local shoemaker and sectarian lay preacher in North Wales. In 1878 David Lloyd George was apprenticed to a non-trial lawyer and he opened his own law practice in 1884. As a poacher’s lawyer, or a lawyer willing to defend those that broke harsh poaching laws, Lloyd-George acquired a loyal following among north Wales tenant farmers and quarrymen. In 1890 he was elected to Parliament. Lloyd George became a very active social reformer and used annual government budget to construct policy as well as raise money.

At first reluctant to approve Great Britain's involvement into World War I, Lloyd George soon advocated a knockout blow against Germany, demanding vigor and efficiency from the government. As munitions Minister in 1915-1916, he made sure of the steady flow of guns and shells that reached the Western Front. This made him a hero to the press but made many political enemies. He became Minister of War shortly before he joined with the conservative leaders. Lloyd George then became Prime Minister and the dominant figure in the New 5-member coalition cabinet. The last four year of Lloyd George's office were uneventful. He was the key British negotiator at the Paris Peace Conference but his "conference diplomacy" failed to break postwar tensions. After the coalition fell in Oct-1922 Lloyd George was united again with the Asquithian liberals and later succeeded Asquith as a Liberal party leader. With the decline of liberalism he never held office again. He was awarded an earldom shortly before his death on 26-Mar-1945.